We Carry a full line of produce from May 1st until October 31st. The availability of local produce will depend on when it is in season. We specialize in making sure the fruits and vegetables offered are of premium size and quality at all times.


We offer a huge selection of plants. Beginning May 1st when we open you will find hundreds of varieties of perennials, herbs, vegetables and annuals available for purchase. The selection is best from Mother's Day until just after Memorial Day with less available through June until we close our plant department on July 4th. We also sell potting soil, gloves, hand tools, stakes and more to help you with your garden.


Fall is the season for pumpkins and other autumn decorations. Beginning Labor Day weekend we start stocking items such as hardy mums, gourds, Indian corn and all types of pumpkins as they become available from local farmers. We also offer fresh apple cider and caramel apples at this time of year along with some of the best seasonal produce around.


Beginning the day after Thanksgiving we reopen to sell Christmas trees, decorated wreaths and swag, evergreen garland and more. We offer up to twelve types of trees, most of which are grown in northern Michigan and we sell only the highest grade stock available. We do not have produce during this season.


Throughout the season, we offer a full line of products from Calder Bros. Dairy. Their farm is located in Carleton, Michigan and their main office is now in Flat Rock. These products are some of the highest quality available in Southeast Michigan including milk and chocolate milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, whipping cream, half and half and their famous ice cream.


Some of our most popular items are the homemade jams, salsas and pickled products from the Amish communities located in northern Indiana. They are made with real sugar and fresh ingredients as much as possible and include favorites such as strawberry and raspberry jam, apple butter, cherry salsa and sweet baby beets.


Throughout our season, we offer a variety of bird feed locally sourced from Dexter Mill. You will find several different mixes, black oil sunflower seeds, shelled peanuts, millet, thistle and safflower available in a range of sizes from five to fifty-pound bags.